
Southern Food & Fun (SFF) is a family website with a passion for sharing food, recipes, and experiences. As a trusted resource to home cooks of all levels, our goal is to share recipes in a way that’s accessible and carries on the traditions of cooking in the kitchen with Granny—to be a dynamic, authentic curator of the Southern food lifestyle while also exploring other cuisines.

As frequent travelers, we promote accommodations and experiences through photos and recaps of our adventures.

Our readers are savvy and discerning, and we will only promote products or brands that we use and believe in wholeheartedly.

Lucy Brewer is the primary content creator for SFF, while her son Brian Harris is the grillmaster-Green Egg connoisseur. We’d love to work with you if you have something that will benefit our readers.

Please download our PDF Media Kit here SFF-Media-Kit.

Southern Food and Fun provides customized support for businesses and brands. If you’d like to work with us on a project, there are many ways we can collaborate:

Sponsored Posts

We can provide Product Information, Giveaways, and Special Promotions that are of interest and benefit to SFF readers. Let us share your business in blog posts and social media shares.

Professional Recipe Development

Classic and new Southern recipes are the backbone of SFF. We would like to work with you to develop appetizing recipes that suit the needs of your brand/product.

Brand Ambassadorship

Have Lucy represent your brand through social media and on

Travel Reviews

SFF readers enjoy reading about our travel experiences. If there’s a place you want us to visit and share, contact us.

Giveaways and Product Reviews

As a service to SFF readers, we frequently mention branded products that we use and love in the kitchen. If you have a high quality product, appliance, cookbook, etc., that will be of great value to Southern Food & Fun readers, let us know. Acceptance to review a product does not guarantee a post or mention about that product. We will only write about products and/or host giveaways for products that we actually use, love, and believe in.

Company Events, Press Trips or Retreats

Lucy is available to attend company events, press trips and/or retreats to share with SFF readers. We look forward to the opportunity to learn more about your brand, network with other attendees, and share the experience with readers via social media (if desired). Follow-up blog post(s) can also be arranged.

Freelance Food Writing

We love working with brands to develop unique and specific content for your products/services. Whether that includes freelance recipe development, editorial writing, or other, we are available to discuss any ideas you may have.


We currently are in partnership with MediaVine ad network.

If you would like to work with SFF in some capacity, please contact us at lucy {at}


We will always disclose to our readers the nature of partnerships with brands. Readers have access to a full disclosure policy found on Southern Food and Fun. We will also include a small disclaimer at the end of any post which is written on behalf of a company or partner, per FTC guidelines. We will make readers aware if money or product was exchanged for the post. Honesty and transparency are huge priorities as we work with brands, and our readers know that compensation will never buy a positive review. That said, we love the opportunity to promote brands, products and services that are a good fit!

More site disclosure information is available here in our Site Policies.

SFF/IASK/Lucy Brewer featured in:

The New York Times: Peach Rivalry Becomes War Between the Tastes, Kim Severson, July 2011

Food Network: Chocolate Covered Peanut Butter Pie, August 2011

